Madi Updates

Today I come to you screaming the good news…Madi had an MRI of her spine yesterday and IT DID NOT SPREAD TO HER SPINE!!! This is the best news!!!

More good news…Madi had been having some challenges with dexterity when trying to point on the tablet or the chart, but yesterday she was actually able to type! They’ve even gotten a nod for yes and a shaking side to side for no! The good Lord is working his miracles!

Things are continuing to move along fast since arriving at CHOP. Madi was fitted for her proton radiation mask yesterday for her chemo and radiation. The start date has been moved back a day and will start on Jan 10th. This Tuesday she will be getting her chemo port as well as a tube put in which will replace her feeding tube.

They are still waiting on the results of which of the 4 types of tumors we are dealing with. This will decide the exact course of treatment. In the meantime Madi continues her sass and her joking ways. She had been giving a thumbs up for yes and squeezes your hand for no…however in true Madi fashion, she’s started going in circles with her thumb to get some smiles out of Dawn and Kyle too! Thankfully now, she’s now nodding yes and shaking her head for no! 😂

Please continue to pray for Madi everyday. Your prayers are working and they are so appreciative of all of you!

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